What people are saying.

  • Even after working as a pediatric nurse practitioner for 10+ years, I still had plenty to learn when I had my own kids — sleeping, feeding, potty training — Emily has it all covered. She has been nothing short of amazing for our family.

    — Lauren C., CT

  • Emily saved my life with baby sleep help!

    — Marinda S., RI

  • Emily is highly educated in this field with ample experience in all facets of child development. If you need any guidance, book her - she’s been a fantastic help for myself as a new parent!

    — Marisa R., TX

  • It’s never too late to start sleep training! With Emily’s help my toddler now has such healthy sleep habits - naps and sleeping through the night. The difference made in my own health after implementing her plan was huge. Mommas don’t have to run on 4 hours of sleep and caffeine!

    — Jennise M., FL

  • We hired Emily when our second was a newborn. She established a feeding and sleeping schedule, which made our lives as parents exceptionally easier. She also helped me build my confidence up as a new mom of two. Her techniques encouraged our daughter to successfully reach milestones at appropriate times, something we would’ve never been able to accomplish so seamlessly on our own.

    — Melissa K., FL

  • If you’re needing help with a baby, toddler, child - you need to be reaching out to Emily! She's skilled, professional, intelligent and thoughtful. She is a wealth of knowledge on how to appropriately care for children. Potty training, sleep training, introducing foods, how to handle tantrums, etc. - she can help you with it all!

    — Katy J., FL